Lineament Analysis

Extreme variations in permeability occur over short horizontal distances within the same geological unit. These changes are a result of fracturing in the host rock. The reasons for fracturing include responses to regional stress fields, the effects of changes in lithology and the result of weathering. The purpose of the lineament analysis is to locate evidence of the fracturing on the ground surface and to use that knowledge to select preferred drilling sites where fracturing is most likely to occur.
Lineament analysis has been used by various groups for various reasons. In the mining industry in the northeastern United States, the knowledge is used to avoid encountering groundwater in the mine. In the water well industry, the knowledge is used to identify locations to drill water wells to obtain increased groundwater yields. In the Coal Bed Methane (CBM) industry, the process can be used to identify drilling sites where increased permeability could be expected in the coal zones.
Key Benefits
- Identify locations with higher permeability
- Select preferred drilling sites
- Enhanced resource recovery